ZF Global Supplier Summit 2023

Committed to Climate Neutrality

May 18, 2022 - May 20, 2022

ZF Friedrichshafen AG


Dear guests,

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Dear guest,

We are pleased to invite you to the ZF Global Supplier Summit 2021, on November 09, 2021. We are pleased to announce that for the first time the ZF Global Supplier Summit will be performed as a virtual event! Our motto is ‘Committed to Climate Neutrality’.

At the Summit, ZF Materials Management will share detailed information as to how ZF plans to successfully move forward towards the future of next generation mobility, with special focus on our core commitment to climate neutrality and a clean, safe, comfortable, and affordable mobility for everyone everywhere. This includes both opportunities for, and necessary contributions from, our business partners. 

As in previous years, we will once again acknowledge the outstanding performance and collaboration of our suppliers with our ZF Supplier Awards in the categories of Innovation and Performance.

The program comprises key notes from our top managers of Materials Management and deep dive sessions that discuss in detail ZF’s climate neutrality targets, ZF’s next normal on how to ensure supply security in a dynamic world, and ZF’s milestone plan for digitalization. In addition, recognized suppliers will share best practices from their perspective on achievements with regards to climate neutrality.

We look forward to meeting you on the virtual ZF Global Supplier Summit on November 09, 2021!


09:00 - 11:35
Best Practices of Leading Strategic ZF Suppliers

Are you already familiar with the climate ambitions and best practices that are out there in ZF’s supply chain? Our guest speakers, some of ZF’s leading strategic suppliers, will share with you their ambitions and best practices in the area of sustainability and climate neutrality. After each presentation you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers right away from the experts.

Sustainable Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Michael Prinz, BASF SE

Sustainability is an ever-increasing trend and challenges us to supply solutions that make the best use of limited natural resources. Protecting our climate is among the greatest challenges of our time. Innovations based on chemistry play a pivotal role in overcoming this challenge. New, resource-efficient solutions and business models are needed to decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources. Together with its customers, BASF SE is working on innovative processes, technologies, and products for a sustainable future. This is how they will ensure their long-term business success and that of their customers.

Energy Transition – Changing the Energy System of the Future

Jens Mueller-Belau, Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH

The world needs to heavily invest in more lower-carbon technology. This includes renewables such as wind and solar, mobility options such as electric vehicle charging and hydrogen as well as an interconnected power business. This presentation will provide an overview of the integrated approach by Shell to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how the transformation of the energy system will transform Shell. It will specifically explore the role of hydrogen in this transformation and highlight the benefits of partnerships to sustainably decarbonize industry and transport.

Taking Big Steps toward a Green Footprint – voestalpine's Path to Decarbonization

Michaela Kraus, Voestalpine

voestalpine has a clear and ambitious plan to decarbonize its steel production. Hybrid technology is used to reduce CO2 emissions by around 30% by 2030. In the long term, the Group plans to produce CO2-neutrally by 2050 through the use of green electricity and green hydrogen.

Zero Emissions and More – Sustainability is More than Being Green

Koen Beckers, ae group ag

Follow ae group’s transition as a light metal die-casting group to their carbon-neutral production and their path to overall sustainability. See the economic and ecological advantages that have evolved for the group and its customers!

Michael Prinz, Michaela Kraus, Jens Mueller-Belau, Koen Beckers, Felix Ralf Becker
11:35 - 12:00
Break for Networking

During breaks feel free to join the Lounge to get in touch with other event participants or join the cinemas and learn more about the Supplier Award Nominees and how ZF is shaping the next future of mobility.

12:00 - 12:15
Official Opening and Welcome to the Global Supplier Summit 2021

Key Note: Next Generation Mobility

ZF is striving to be the market leader for Automated Driving, Vehicle Motion Control, eMobility and Integrated Safety. Wilhelm Rehm, Member of the Board, will present the way forward in a dynamic market and challenging environment.

Wilhelm Rehm, Petra Spiegel
12:15 - 12:30
Key Note: Up for New Horizons

New products, customers and markets are bringing opportunities for ZF and its suppliers, if we can manage risk mitigation and improve performance. In this context, supplier contributions are needed to meet ZF’s expectations for a future ZF-Supplier partnership.

Jörg Schaupp
12:30 - 12:45
Key Note: Sustainability@ZF – Acting Now

In keeping with ZF's sustainability strategy, ZF has committed itself to climate neutrality by 2040. To reach this goal, we plan to reduce our supply chain emissions by 45% by 2030. This can only be achieved in close collaboration with our supply chain partners.

Dr. Michael Karrer, Oliver Ganser
12:45 - 13:00
Q&A Session
13:00 - 13:15
Deep Dive: Sustainability@ZF – Acting in the Supply Chain

Learn more about ZF's expectations of our supply base regarding climate neutrality in the supply chain.

Michael Schmitt
13:15 - 13:30
Deep Dive: The Next Normal

The COVID 19 pandemic, a winter storm in Texas, flooding in Ahrweiler, Germany, the Suez Canal Accident, and much more have dominated our lives in the recent past. The risk of supply chain disruptions will continue to grow and become the Next Normal. What can we learn from this? What answers and solutions are there for the future?

Bernd Stockmann
13:30 - 13:45
Deep Dive: Digitalization

Digitalization is a key enabler for ZF’s competitiveness. To achieve higher transparency, shorter reaction times, and an increase of efficiency in our supply chain, ZF is intensifying digital collaboration with our suppliers, e.g. via SupplyOn. You are welcome to learn more about how you are to participate in this digital transformation.

John Sobeck
13:45 - 14:15
Q&A Session
14:15 - 14:30
Break for Networking

During breaks feel free to join the Lounge to get in touch with other event participants or join the cinemas and learn more about the Supplier Award Nominees and how ZF is shaping the next future of mobility.

14:15 - 14:30
Employee Networking
14:30 - 14:45
Official Opening of the ZF Supplier Awards Ceremony

ZF’s success and growth are highly dependent on our suppliers’ contributions. As in previous years, the outstanding performance and collaboration of our suppliers will be honored with the ZF Supplier Awards. This year, ZF will be recognizing suppliers for their excellence and outstanding achievement in the following eight categories.

Jörg Schaupp
14:45 - 15:45
ZF Supplier Innovation Awards Ceremony

ZF has a clear strategy to develop into future technology fields. Innovations are needed to meet high expectations from markets and customers and to set ZF apart as a leader in next generation mobility. The key technology fields of interest are Automated Driving, Vehicle Motion Control, Integrated Safety and eMobility.

Innovation Award - Automated Driving

Innovation Award - Vehicle Motion Control

Innovation Award - Integrated Safety

Innovation Award - Electric Mobility

15:45 - 17:00
ZF Supplier Performance Awards Ceremony

Supplier performance is a key driver in the overall success of ZF as a leading global mobility company. The categories for the Performance Awards are Operational Excellence, both for Production and Non-Production Material, Digitalization/ Connectivity, and Sustainability.

Performance Award - Operational Excellence (Production Material)

Performance Award - Operational Excellence (Non-Production Material)

Performance Award - Digitalization | Connectivity

Performance Award - Sustainability

17:00 - 17:10
Summary and Farewell
Jörg Schaupp
17:15 - 19:35
Best Practices of Leading Strategic ZF Suppliers

Are you already familiar with the climate ambitions and best practices that are out there in ZF’s supply chain? Our guest speakers, some of ZF’s leading strategic suppliers, will share with you their ambitions and best practices in the area of sustainability and climate neutrality. Here you will see a recording of the best practice sessions held in the morning.

Sustainable Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Michael Prinz, BASF SE

Sustainability is an ever-increasing trend and challenges us to supply solutions that make the best use of limited natural resources. Protecting our climate is among the greatest challenges of our time. Innovations based on chemistry play a pivotal role in overcoming this challenge. New, resource-efficient solutions and business models are needed to decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources. Together with its customers, BASF SE is working on innovative processes, technologies, and products for a sustainable future. This is how they will ensure their long-term business success and that of their customers.

Energy Transition – Changing the Energy System of the Future

Jens Mueller-Belau, Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH

The world needs to heavily invest in more lower-carbon technology. This includes renewables such as wind and solar, mobility options such as electric vehicle charging and hydrogen as well as an interconnected power business. This presentation will provide an overview of the integrated approach by Shell to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how the transformation of the energy system will transform Shell. It will specifically explore the role of hydrogen in this transformation and highlight the benefits of partnerships to sustainably decarbonize industry and transport.

Taking Big Steps toward a Green Footprint – voestalpine's Path to Decarbonization

Michaela Kraus, Voestalpine

voestalpine has a clear and ambitious plan to decarbonize its steel production. Hybrid technology is used to reduce CO2 emissions by around 30% by 2030. In the long term, the Group plans to produce CO2-neutrally by 2050 through the use of green electricity and green hydrogen.

Zero Emissions and More – Sustainability is More than Being Green

Koen Beckers, ae group ag

Follow ae group’s transition as a light metal die-casting group to their carbon-neutral production and their path to overall sustainability. See the economic and ecological advantages that have evolved for the group and its customers!

Michael Prinz, Michaela Kraus, Jens Mueller-Belau, Koen Beckers
17:30 - 17:35


09:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:45


Wilhelm Rehm
Member of the Board of Management, ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Member of the Board of Management of the ZF Group Commercial Vehicle Technology, Commercial Vehicle Control Systems, Industrial Technology, Materials Management Having studied mechanical engineering, he started his career at LOKOMA, a provider of business facilities. 1984 he moved on to become head of the assembly department at the AGCO/ Fendt group of companies in 1984, which is the biggest manufacturer of tractors and agricultural machinery worldwide.

For almost two decades, Wilhelm Rehm held various management positions at several locations of the group of companies. In 2003, he joined ZF Passau GmbH as Managing Director responsible for Production and Materials Management. In 2010, he assumed the role of Chairman of the Board in Passau and became a Member of the Board of Management of the ZF Group, responsible for the Off-Road Driveline Technology and Axle Systems Division.

Wilhelm Rehm has been a member of the Board of Management of the ZF Group since 2012 and responsible for Commercial Vehicle Technology, Commercial Vehicle Control Systems, Industrial Technology and Materials Management.

Dr. Michael Karrer
Senior Vice President ZF Group, Head of Corporate Sustainability & EHS, ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Michael Karrer studied International Business Administration in Innsbruck (Austria) and Louvain (Belgium) and worked for 5 years as a research assistant and received his doctor’s degree with a thesis on Supply Chain Performance Management.

He joined ZF in 2006 and worked for 5 years in the field of strategic logistics, leading projects on inventory optimization, delivery performance and lean logistics in several of ZF’s global sites. For three years he served as project lead for the industrialization of a truck transmission in Hangzhou China. From 2014 to 2016, Michael was responsible for supplier management at ZF Group, focusing on supplier quality performance, risk management, and also supply chain sustainability.

Since January 2021, he is the global lead for sustainability and EHS. He is convinced that sustainability is not only about complying with regulations but must also be an integral part of the business strategy. By embedding sustainability in processes and decision-making, it is possible to interlink long-term business success with a company’s responsibility for society and the environment.

Oliver Ganser
Program Head of Data Driven Value Chain at BMW Group, Head of ‘Catena-X Automotive Network’ – Industry Consortia, Chairman of the Board of Catena-X e.V.

After graduating as an industrial engineer, Oliver Ganser began his career at the BMW Group in the Technology Office in Palo Alto in 2001. From 2002 to 2011, he held various positions in purchasing, R&D and innovation management, as well as BMW's automotive product management in Munich. From 2011 to 2015, he was Head of Product Strategy and Product Management at BMW USA in Woodcliff Lake. From 2015 to 2017, he took over the function of Global Head of Customer Care Management in Munich. In 2017, he became Head of the Performance Next program Initiative Quality and Digitalization. In this role, he laid the foundation for cross-company collaborative and data-based cooperation.

Oliver Ganser has been Head of Program for the Industry Platform at BMW AG since Nov 2020 and he has been Chairman of the Board Catena-X e.V. & Head of the Consortium Catena-X Automotive Network since 2021.

Jörg Schaupp
Senior Vice President ZF Group, Head of Corporate Commodity Purchasing, ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Joerg Schaupp, Senior Vice President ZF Group, leads the Global Commodity Organization of direct and indirect spend for ZF Group since June 2016. He leads a global team responsible for Part Family Strategies, all new Sourcing Decisions and all existing Supplier Contract Negotiations. He brings three decades of automotive profit & loss experience in purchasing, supply chain, material and program management at OEM and Tier 1 companies. Prior to ZF Group he served in various Purchasing functions with TRW Automotive. He began his career at General Motors and holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Applied Science Schweinfurt/ Germany.

Michael Schmitt
Vice President ZF Group, Head of Corporate Supplier Management, ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Having studied mechanical engineering in Saarbruecken and industrial engineering in Ludwigshafen, he started his career at Robert Bosch GmbH in Special Machinery Production. In 2000 he moved to Schaeffler, an automotive supplier, assuming various management roles within purchasing. His last position at Schaeffler was Vice President Corporate Purchasing Production Material, before moving to ZF Group in 2019.

Since January 2021 he is responsible for the Corporate Supplier Management of the ZF group, including supplier risk management and sustainability in the supply chain. Michael is located in Schweinfurt, Germany.

Bernd Stockmann
Senior Vice President ZF Group, Head of Corporate Program Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, ZF Friedrichshafen AG

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Schweinfurt, Bernd Stockmann began his work in 1991 as Design Engineer at Fichtel & Sachs AG in Schweinfurt. In 1994 he moved as Customer Account Manager Engineering to Sachs Automotive of America, Troy (MI). After 2 years back in Schweinfurt he took over the responsibility as Key Account Manager Pass Car Clutch Systems for BMW and Chrysler and later VW Group.

In 1999 he decided to move to Temic Telefunken microelectronic GmbH, Nürnberg where he started as Director of Sales for Powertrain Electronics. Shortly after his start Temic was taken over by Continental AG. In the following years he held several positions at Continental AG and was also part of the integration teams for Motorola Automotive and Siemens VDO. His last position at Continental AG was Head of Business Unit Transmission and Executive Director of Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH, Nuremberg.

Since 2009 he has worked for ZF Friedrichshafen AG where he started as Head of Business Unit Truck Transmissions. After 4 years he became Head of Division Car Powertrain Technology in Saarbruecken. Since 2019 he is in charge of Corporate Program Purchasing & Supply Chain Management and operating out of Friedrichshafen.

John Sobeck
Vice President ZF Group, Head of Material Management Services & Supply Chain 4.0, ZF Friedrichshafen AG

After graduating in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Stuttgart, John Sobeck began his work in 1994 as Project Manager Continuous Improvement Process at Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG in Stuttgart. In 1989 he moved to ZF Friedrichshafen AG as Senior Manager Total Quality Management. In 2001 he took over responsibility for the group as Vice President of Global eBusiness in order to prepare the company for the first wave of digitization. From 2004 to 2008 he was also a member of the Board of Directors of Odette International Limited and in 2005 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The next challenge at ZF followed in 2007 in his new role as Head of Corporate Supply Chain Management. With the takeover of TRW in 2015, he became part of the integration team with a focus on processes and systems of Material Management. Since the end of 2016, he has also been driving the Group's digitalization strategy as Digital Champion for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. In addition to his current roles, he represents ZF at the SupplyOn AG Shareholder Group.

Michael Prinz
Director Segment Marketing Transportation, BASF SE

After studying process engineering, Michael Prinz began his professional career as an application engineer at BASF AG in Ludwigshafen. He took on various technical tasks in the Dispersions division. Most recently as sales manager for process chemicals and dispersions based in Milan, Italy. In 2008 he joined the Engineering Plastics division, where he took on various management positions in marketing and business management.

Michael Prinz has been Head of Marketing Transportation in the European Business Unit of Performance Materials, BASF SE, since 2015. In this role, he is responsible for implementing the sustainability strategy for Engineering Plastics and Polyurethanes in the transportation industry.

Michaela Kraus
Product Management Sustainability, Voestalpine Steel Division

Dipl. Ing. Michaela Kraus studied polymer engineering at the University of Leoben. She has been working for voestalpine Stahl for 25 years. From 1996 onwards, she carried out various activities in R&D and quality control. In the following 20 years Michaela worked in the product management for high-strength steels and the marketing segment for the automotive industry.

Since October 2020 she is responsible for Product Management sustainability at voestalpine Steel Division.

Jens Mueller-Belau
Managing Director Energy Transition Germany, Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH

Jens Müller-Belau was appointed as the Managing Director Transition Manager for Shell in Germany in August 2021. Since March 2018 Jens held the role of Energy Transition Manager, actively driving the transformation agenda for Shell in Germany. With a strong external focus, the role integrates ongoing Shell activities across various businesses, supporting Shell’s CO2 reduction ambition, which is aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement. In this role Jens leads the profiling and positioning of future business opportunities and associated medium- and longer-term options across all Shell businesses in Germany.

Before he was the Managing Director for Shell Global Solutions Deutschland GmbH, leading the Shell Technology Centre in Hamburg, a global centre of expertise with 300 people. He also was a member of the Board for CRI Deutschland GmbH, a Shell catalyst manufacturer in Germany and held the global role as General Manager for Innovation in Fuels Technology.

Jens completed a master’s degree in chemical engineering and he began his career in Shell as a fuels scientist in 1996 at Shell Technology Centre Hamburg.

Koen Beckers
Chief Executive Officer, ae group ag

Koen Beckers has been the CEO of the ae group ag, a European HPDC and machining group for the automotive market, since May 2020. Beckers draws on over 20 years of management experience in different industries and roles.

After studying Computer Science and Administration at the KU Leuven (Belgium), Koen Beckers began his professional career at Philips in the Organization & Efficiency department. Five years later he went back to his roots of ICT, where he worked in several companies, always at the level of program and escalation management or at a senior VP level of bigger software programs worldwide. In 2009 he made the switch to the production industry and performed senior executive roles on a Tier 2 and Tier 1 level.

Felix Ralf Becker
Moderator, Director Corporate Materials Management, ZF Global Commodity Hydraulics, Pneumatics & Solenoids, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Petra Spiegel
Moderator, Senior Manager Corporate Materials Management, ZF Purchasing Non-Production Material Governance & Support and ZF Commodity Freight Purchasing Global Contracts, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Janine Montforts
Vice President Corporate Materials Management Commodity Electronics bei ZF Group
Fabian Schlegel
Vice President Corporate Materials Management & Program Purchasing, Division Electrified Powertrain ZF Group
Rainer Wiedmann

